Pitikapp Remote Dashboard




Start the application and let it setup automatically. No account required. No configuration needed.


Light theme, dark theme, red, blue, square, circle... Your preferences, your choice!


Cannot find the data you are looking for? Make your own plugin to display any data you want.

Watch and monitor real time data

GPU, CPU, RAM, framerate... follow your computer information at any time.


Remotely control your computer

Multimedia control, application launch, macro recording, ...


Customize everything

Change the layout and the colors to your preferences.


Develop your own plugin

Want to interact with your favorite application? With basic programming knowledge, you can create your own plugin using the Pitikapp Plugin Library. Visit our GitHub page for more information.



What do I need?

Pitikapp requires a server and a client that you can download below.
The server requires Windows 10. A resolution of at least 900x600 is required. Although in practice it works on Windows 7 and 8, no support will be offered for Windows versions older than 10.
The client requires Android 8.0 or iOS 14.0 or more recent. A resolution of at least 1280x800 is recommended for a better experience.

Do I need an account?


How do I connect the client to the server?

If the two devices are on the same local network, the connection will be established automatically. Otherwise, double-tap anywhere on the client to show the menu and press on the button to add a device.
Look at the "Troubleshooting" section below to help with device connection issues.

How do I move and resize items on my dashboard?

Press on the item to modify for two seconds. It will switch to edition mode and can then be moved and resized freely.

Can I ask for new features?

Yes please! Send us an email with your suggestions and we'll work on it as soon as possible.

I found a bug. Can you fix it?

Send us an email with instructions on how to reproduce the bug and we will take care of it. To help with troubleshooting, you can download the application logs by following these instructions.

Where is the server installed on my computer? Can I install it somewhere else?

The server is installed in "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Pitikapp Remote Dashboard". It is not possible to change this for now.

How can I create a custom plugin?

Visit our GitHub page to see how to create your own plugin.

The new version doesn't work for me, can I go back to an old one?

All previous versions can be found here.

Pitikapp is awesome! How can I support you?

Help us gain visibility by rating the application on the Apple or Google store, following us on Twitter or Facebook, and sharing the application with your friends.


I do not have access to the Play Store, can I get an APK?

APK for the most recent version: download.

Can I run it on older Android versions?

You can download an APK of version 1.4.0 that works on Android 5 to 7.
Warning: this is not compatible with Pitikapp Server 1.5.0 and more recent, you can only use it with server 1.4.2 or older.
• 64 bits: download
• 32 bits: download (use this APK on older Android devices if the 64 bits version does not work)

Can I have a Windows 32 bits version?

The server is only available in 64 bits.
The Windows client version 1.4.0 is available in 32 bits here. Starting version 1.5.0, a 32 bits version is not available anymore.
• You can only use this with server 1.4.2 or older.
• No support will be offered for 32 bits Windows.

Can I have a portable version for Windows?

The Windows client and server are available as portable versions but some features might be missing. Portable versions requires Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. Download the correct version on Microsoft's website or from the links below.

Compatible with version 1.5.0 and more recent:
• Client 1.5.1: download
• Server 1.5.1: download
• VC Redistributable 14.40: download

Compatible with versions older than 1.5.0:
• Client - 32 bits: download
• Client - 64 bits: download
• Server: download
• VC Redistributable 14.16: 32 bits, 64 bits.

My firewall/antivirus is blocking/deleting the server.

Uncheck "Start now" at the end of the installation.
Add an exception to the antivirus settings.
Start the application.

The client is not connecting to the server.

The Windows firewall is blocking the server. Click on the Network Status icon in the server to see the firewall status. Click on "Configure Firewall" to reinitialize it.
If the client is still not detecting the server, you can add it manually: from the client, click on and enter the IP address of the server.

I get a message "Socket could not listen on port X. Error: The bound address is already in use."

Make sure you didn't launch the server twice. Look in the System Tray or Task Manager for other running Pitikapp instances.
If the error persists, it is possible another program is already using this port. Open Pitikapp settings on the client ("Network" tab) and the server, and change the port. Any value from 1024 to 65535 will do.

How do I change the client settings?

Double tap anywhere on the screen to show the menu, then press the settings icon.

I can't uninstall the server on Windows 10.

Uninstallation sometimes does not work on Windows 10. You can uninstall manually by running C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Pitikapp Remote Dashboard\uninstall.exe

I moved the window outside of my monitor, how can I recover it?

Shift + Right-click on the taskbar icon and press "Move", then use the keyboard arrows to bring back the window to the desired position.

How can I do a backup or copy of my dashboard?

From the server application, click on the client device and select "Export dashboard" to save your dashboard to a file.

How can I import a dashboard?

From the server application, click on the client device and select "Import dashboard" to load a previously exported dashboard. If you import the dashboard from another server, some modules might not work out of the box due to the different hardware configurations.


Pitikapp is currently available on Windows, Android, and iOS.
See the FAQ for portable or 32 bits versions.

Patch notes
MD5 hashes




Windows 10 64 bits or more recent required.


iconPlay Store

Android 8.0 or more recent required

iconApp Store

iOS 14.0 or more recent required


Windows 10 64 bits or more recent required